Let our voice be heard!

Let our voice be heard!

I have not lost 100% of my hair. However, losing most of it has been traumatic enough to know that there is nothing funny about living with alopecia and being bald. The incident last night at the Oscars has been the most talked about event involving a woman with Alopecia since I started losing my hair 19 years ago, which…

My Hair Loss Experience During Pregnancy

My Hair Loss Experience During Pregnancy

My Hair Loss Experience During Pregnancy I’ve lived with alopecia for half of my life and have always been curious about what would happen to my hair if I ever got pregnant.  Would it grow back? Is that even possible? I’ve heard so many stories of women who experienced pregnancy regrowth that I am really curious to see what happens…

Everything you need to know about alopecia areata

Everything you need to know about alopecia areata

Alopecia areata Did you know as many as 6.8 million people in the U.S. — 147 million people worldwide — are affected by alopecia areata?⁣⁣ Alopecia areata is a common autoimmune skin disease, causing hair loss on the scalp, face and sometimes other areas of the body. It affects as many as 6.8 million people in the United States. People…

International Coaching Week Special Edition Podcast w/ Monique Betty

International Coaching Week Special Edition Podcast w/ Monique Betty

Monique A. Betty is the president of CareerSYNC, an executive coaching firm that specializes in coaching professionals who are interested in developing their leadership and career management skills. Affectionately known as ‘Coach Monique,’ she has earned a professional coaching credential with the International Coach Federation, is a Gallup Certified Strengths Coach and holds a Master of Business Administration degree from…

International Coaching Week Special Edition Podcast w/ Mimna Montes de Oca (Español)

International Coaching Week Special Edition Podcast w/ Mimna Montes de Oca (Español)

Mimna Montes de Oca. Como emigrante y ciudadana del mundo Mimna se ha tenido que reinventar muchas veces, lo que la ha obligado a ser flexible como el bambú y a soltar todas las amarras. Mimna esta convencida de que los seres humanos, somos capaces de salir victoriosos de inimaginables epopeyas, solo tenemos que dejar la vida fluir, no oponer…

International Coaching Week Special Edition Podcast w/ Zeina Darwich

International Coaching Week Special Edition Podcast w/ Zeina Darwich

Zeina Darwich is an accredited certified life energy coach, core dynamic leadership & transition specialist, founder of “Inspire Your Core” for energy coaching, motivational & keynote speaker and a coach trainer at the American Academy of Elite Performance Coaching. She practices coaching in Lebanon & Miami in both English & Arabic for any human being that God calls her to…

International Coaching Week Special Edition Podcast w/ Sarah Gillet Couto

International Coaching Week Special Edition Podcast w/ Sarah Gillet Couto

Sarah Gillet Couto is the founder and CEO of Gillet Couto Consulting. She was born and raised in France. Sarah moved to the U.S. to pursue studies in International Business and, upon graduation with her undergraduate degree, Sarah moved to Argentina to begin work in the financial services industry. Before the age of 30, Sarah was giving leadership training sessions…